Child and Spousal Support Arrears - Part One
It’s tax time! Did you know your Federal Tax return can be intercepted if you owe more than $2,500 in support?
If the Friend of The Court Child Support Unit determines that you owe more than $2,500 in child or spousal support they will notify the U.S. Department of the Treasury for collection. Under Administrative Offset and /or Federal Tax Refund Offset law, your federal tax refund can be intercepted and applied towards your arrears. If you file “married filing jointly”, your spouse may be entitled to receive his or her portion of the joint federal tax refund provided he/she has no legal responsibility for the debt, has income and withholding and/or estimated tax payments and files Form 8379-Injured Spouse Claim and Allocation. For details see:,4676,7-238-43513_44135-168434--,00.html
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