Personal Protection Orders

The purpose of a “domestic relationship” personal protection order (PPO) is to restrain domestic violence and stalking. The Court issues a PPO on the basis of the written allegations of the person filing for the PPO (Petitioner) if those allegations satisfy the Court that there are reasonable grounds that the person against whom the PPO is sought (Respondent) will engage in domestic violence or stalking against the Petitioner.
The Respondent typically does not have an opportunity to respond to the allegations until the PPO has already been issued by the Court. Usually, the Respondent does not even know that the Petitioner has filed for a PPO until a Sheriff's Deputy shows up and serves the PPO on the Respondent.
The PPO immediately prohibits all direct or indirect contact between Petitioner and Respondent. If Petitioner and Respondent reside together, the PPO requires Respondent to immediately move out. In order to terminate or modify a PPO, the Respondent must file the appropriate paperwork with the Court within 14 days of being served with the PPO. The Court then schedules a judicial hearing at which both Petitioner and Respondent must appear. This judicial hearing typically is held within 30 days after the PPO is first issued. The judicial hearing is the Respondent's first opportunity to contest the PPO.
The issuance of a PPO is a very serious matter. Associated with it are potential criminal consequences, as well as possible professional, personal, and social ramifications.
Sterling Law Office has a great deal of experience in representing Respondents and Petitioners in PPO cases.
Call Sterling Law Office at 231-486-0559 for a free PPO phone consult. We follow up phone consults with a Case Evaluation.
At a Case Evaluation, we meet with you in person (or by video conference if you are unable to come to one of our offices). After an intake interview, we hear the details of your story and your goals. We help you understand your legal rights. After we help you sort it all out, we create for you a Plan of Action identifying your Next Steps to reach your goals. We charge a flat fee of $100.00 for the Case Evaluation. Most people find that the Case Evaluation is extremely helpful. We see these potential clients lift their shoulders back and breathe a sigh of relief when they leave our office following a Case Evaluation.
After a Case Evaluation, if your Plan of Action calls for attorney involvement, you may want to hire our firm to represent you. If so, you can expect to then sign a contract and pay a deposit on your future legal expenses. We will then form your legal team consisting of a Senior Advising Attorney, an Associate Attorney, a Legal Assistant, and our support staff. The team will spring to action to begin work on your case.

Sterling Law Office areas of practice include specialization in advocacy and divorce tailored for men. Sterling Law Office has a strong and successful history of representing both women and men in all areas of family law, including divorce.