LGBTQ Family Issues

As the leaders in northern Michigan fighting for equality and fairness in family court matters, Sterling Law Office is the firm sensitive to your special needs. We treat family law matters as basic civil rights issues demanding equality and fairness. Family law matters must not be decided by stereotyped gender roles of the past or by sexual orientation prejudices, but by the particular circumstances of your situation. At Sterling Law Office, we often say that no one is equal until everyone is equal.
In the face of the conflicting laws under which gay and lesbian citizens of Michigan must presently live, the attorneys of Sterling Law Office work creatively to create agreements and contracts that will be upheld by the courts. They will also work with their clients to protect their interests upfront before there is any thought of separation or divorce. We are anticipating the U. S. Supreme Court’s decision and are committed to providing services up-to-date with the rapidly changing legal plane.
Call Sterling Law Office at 231-486-0559 for a free LGBT family law phone consult. We follow up phone consults with a Case Evaluation.
At a Case Evaluation, we meet with you in person (or by phone if you are unable to come to one of our offices). After an intake interview, we hear the details of your story and your goals. We help you understand your legal rights. After we help you sort it all out, we create for you a Plan of Action identifying your Next Steps to reach your goals. We charge a flat fee of $100.00 for the Case Evaluation. Most people find that the Case Evaluation is extremely helpful. We see these potential clients lift their shoulders back and breathe a sigh of relief when they leave our office following a Case Evaluation.
After a Case Evaluation, if your Plan of Action calls for attorney involvement, you may want to hire our firm to represent you. If so, you can expect to then sign a contract and pay a deposit on your future legal expenses. We will then form your legal team consisting of a Senior Advising Attorney, an Associate Attorney, a Legal Assistant, and our support staff. The team will spring to action to begin work on your case.

Sterling Law Office areas of practice include specialization in advocacy and divorce tailored for men. Sterling Law Office has a strong and successful history of representing both women and men in all areas of family law, including divorce.